Sunday, April 25, 2010

Artfest 2010

I went to Artfest in Port Townsend, WA again this year.  I had a great time as always.

I had some really good classes and got to see some of my "arty" friends that I only get to see when I go out west.  (Amy, Lorraine, Renee, Taylor and Lisa) 

Artfest is the creative event hosted by Tracy and Teesha Moore (Tracy, me and Teesha)( near Seattle.  I have had a great time everytime I attend one of their events and I ALWAYS learn something--even if it is not what I had intended to learn to begin with.  It is such a creative atmosphere and it is so freeing to experience that environment.

My first class was with Jill Berry--Artfest Journal.  It was pretty cool.

It was an accordian spine style book that was designed to allow you to work on the pages outside of the book before it is constructed.  Then you fold your papers in half and put the book together.  We got lots of helpful journaling tips as well.  We even went "out in the field" and did wax rubbings of things we saw around us.  I got some from the restaurant where I ate lunch that day (the Asian Noodle?--it's on Taylor and it is delicious...always try to go there at least once when I visit).  I got the door handle to the restaurant and also some paneling on the walls.  The others came from memorial plaques around the Parade Grounds flag pole at Fort Worden.

My second class was with Misty Mawn--drawing faces.  It was the one I was really looking forward to and was by far the most difficult for me.  Here are my creations:
I still am making my eyes too large but considering this is the first "face" drawing class I've ever taken (and I've never really tried to draw portraits before) I don't think it is too terribly bad.  I have hope that lots of practice will help!  :-)

My last class was with LK Ludwig--Open Doors Journal.  This journal design has two sets of signatures sewn into both the left and the right sides of the back base.  The pages open from the middle to both sides.  We did some backgrounds on some of the papers we put into the journal. I loved making it.  It was a wonderful class and LK is FULL of tips and tricks!
I used canvas board for my covers since we weren't going to have to sew through the covers.  It is an awesome sew-n-glue binding.

Yes, well I've already broken my rule from earlier--quick posts, not marathons!  :-0~  Oh well.  It is a big subject and I'm not a big one for suspense.  Hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

Shelley Malone said...

Oh, WOW! I love ALL of these projects! The book ones especially make me drool. Thanks for posting pics. I'm dying to get to an event out there, now I'm just even more motivated.