Saturday, November 5, 2011

JournalFest Treasures

While out in Port Townsend for JournalFest, I visited Akamai Art and Glass Supply store.  They are the greatest art supply store and they have everything under the sun.  I heard about the Stabilo Woody 3-in-1 pencils during a class last year with LK Ludwig.  She used them in her journals and thought they were wonderful.  I made a not of them but never went to any lengths to find them.  Well, lo and behold, when I was wondering aimlessly though Akamai, I saw a full set hanging on the wall and I just had to have them.  I can never choose colors so I go ahead and buy the full set when I can and when it makes sense.  A box of 6 or 8 versus a box of 18--it was no contest!  Ha!  They have 1-cm "leads" in them and they go on sort of waxy.  However, like the 3-in-1 pencils, they completely dissolve with the application of enough water.  A very cool tool for the arsenal indeed.
I visited the JournalFest Gallery and found some items that had been submitted by Steve Salik.  The covers are made of polyer clay and the spines are made of leather.  I actually watched him create these at Play a couple of years ago and watched him demo his method of making faux jade and faux ivory.  The handmade books were in my price range so I was fortunate to be able to purchase both of them.  I really like Steve as a person and so that made the purchase that much sweeter.
Always being on the lookout for items I don't find at home much, I saw something I had recently heard about but hadn't had a chance to look for yet:  Inktense Blocks.  These are simply little sticks of the "lead" of Inktense watercolor pencils and allow you to put a lot of color on a page without wearing your pencils out.  I used it to make the background for my little fellow that I posted about a couple of days ago.  Not being an experienced watercolor artist I have a lot of learning to do about watercolor in general but at least I have used them and I will likely use them more in the future.  The other is a box of Derwent Aquatone watercolor pencils.  I have yet to use them enough to comment about them but hopefully I will soon.  Oh, and if you are wondering about the black tape, that is what I use to keep the boxes from popping open in my suitcase when I travel!
During the Vendor Night portion of JournalFest, I purchased this visual journaling class booklet from Juliana Coles.  I'm looking forward to cracking it open and getting started with some of it.
I also made some other vendor purchases from some other artists which I may post about later....if I can ever get some more photos taken.  Time is of a premium these days.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Photo Silly 2!

I am signing up for Photo Silly 2 that is an on-line class offered by Steve Sonheim via his wife's blog, Carla Sonheim.  It is going to be great fun.  I need something to keep me going artistically until I can get back on my feet here at home again and get some arty habits in place.  I love taking photos so I think this could be just the ticket!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Some JournalFest 2011

Just wanted to drop by again and leave a couple of photos of somethings I did at JournalFest this year.  In Karen O'Brien's class "Pencil Dreams" on Day 3, I took a back and white copy of a head/neck clip art piece and finished out the rest of the portrait.  We were attempting to learn shading with pencils, watercolor and gauche on clear gesso ground.  It turned out pretty good I think:

We also did some fun faces in attempts to make imaginary faces.  Funny how just altering facial shapes and feature placement and sizes will cause a "face" to look comical.  Mine were a little extreme but they made me smile and even laugh at some of them: 

I loved JournalFest and I learned so much this year with Orly Avineri, Roxanne Padgett and Karen O'Brien.  All three are GREAT instructors and masters at what they do.  I can hardly wait for sign-ups for next year!  However, 2011 will be difficult to exceed....