Friday, April 23, 2010

Quick Sketch

I don't have time to say much about this but I wanted to post it.  I need to post more often and perhaps if I didn't try to make it a thesis each time I would be more likely to do just that. is a little sketch I did while at lunch yesterday.  I was eating at an outdoor table at Arte's Pizza.  Great food.  Quaint atmosphere there on the sidewalk.  Nobody is treated as a stranger in my town....

There you go.  Yay!  A post for today any way.  If you are out there actually looking at this blog please leave a comment.  Thanks~!


Anonymous said...

WOW - great sketch Jill! mmmmm pizza sounds delicious - still trying to keep that basic food group out of my diet! xoxx, R

Quilt Architect said...

Nice sketch!!! Makes me want to get my pencil out and start drawing...just for finger exercise.