Saturday, March 10, 2012


I think spring has sprung as it has been wonderful here this week.  While I sit on the porch preparing this blog post this is what I see:

Oh how I LOVE my back yard and the peace and relaxation that it always offers.  Of course, no project worth doing should be done without some special helpers.  And as per their usual, Frodo and Sasha were on the scene to assist.  (And yes, I do so dearly love my Australian Cattle Dog fur babies!)

Here are some drawings of some faces I did during a recent work meeting.  They aren't exactly great but I am improving--really!  Ha!  Hey, it provided some much needed entertainment during prortions of the meeting that didn't really apply to me.  And some entertainment for those sitting around me as well!  The second photo is of people sitting around a table listening.  Not to great at drawing real, live subjects and the proportions are a bit off for some but it was fun and I will keep trying.  One day I'll look back and see how far I've come and I will be so happy....oh that that day would be sooner rather than later!  :-p

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