Thursday, February 11, 2010

Journal Prep

OK, I'm a few days late, but I'm back! I wanted to do some journaling on the way back from Seattle but didn't feel like writing. Instead, I took one of my Moleskin journals and created some "backgrounds" for journaling later. I cut up parts and pieces of my travel documents and glued them on the pages. Believe it or not, I did this for the better part of at least 4-5 hours on various planes! One of the stewards found it quite comical but interesting. Here are the pages. Hopefully I can follow up with some of them filled in and further embellished soon!


Renee said...

Love what you have done so far . . . VERY NICE!
xoxx, R

Gwen said...

What cool backgrounds those will be! Be sure to show us what you do with them as you go forward!